Have You Ever Actually Seen The Inside Of A Tanzanite Mine?
Join me as I take you on a very rare journey into depths of a Tanzanite Mine. The operators and owners of largest and centre-most block in the subdivided tanzanite area, TanzaniteOne/STAMICO on Block C, operate this shaft, Main Shaft. This shaft lies in the centre of tanzanite deposit, and as you see, takes 5 minutes in the skip to get to the bottom of the shaft and to the deepest areas currently being mined.
Having the opportunity to still be involved in this mining operation after all these years is a blessing. It all started back in December 2002 when documentation was restricted to geological drawings of rock faces and sidewalls. Digital cameras were at an expensive infancy in the US with only talk thereof reaching Africa. And video was restricted to broadcasting agencies! And so no record was kept of truly what was experienced, seen and felt by the people working in the tanzanite mines in East Africa. Fast forward 15 years. Today a personal HD digital video camera is smaller than your hand.
Join me as I attempt to catch up for all those years lost by following me underground doing what excited me from day one back in 2002...